Tuesday 1 December 2009

JC-Rough Cut Feedback

Yesterday we had a class session where we watched everyone's rough cuts and looked at their art work. During this session we were given small sheets that we could give some feedback to the videos about.
From this session, we got:
  • Every group said they enjoyed the video and that it stood up to repeat viewing.
  • Each group said that they enjoyed the performance shots and that the silent movie effect was a unique twist in this for the genre.
  • When asked how the genre of the track was made apparent, the groups said that the dark clothing was a strong input, the darkened effect added to the performance shots was important and some said that it had a gritty feel. Two groups of the five that responded said that the flames were an important effect.
  • We were told that the video reinforced the rock band image and that the style of video worked well with the song. It was also noted that the video was not directly symbolic to the lyrics which is what we intended.
  • When asked for one shot that they particularly enjoyed, most groups said the meat shots, they showed emotion and authenticity of the band. One group said the shot of the steam train was the important one and another group said that the face off shot stood out to them.
  • The audiences were also asked for an area for improvement, some groups said we needed more shots of Scott, the bassist and others said there was more movement needed in the performance shots. Also there was a glitch on the first face off shot which needs sorting out. It was also stated that the drummer had his iPod on, unfortunately, in some of the shots the speakers are worn and in others they are not.

This viewing was a good event for us because it helped us see where we could improve. It helps to iron out some imperfections when seeing it on the big screen. The feedback helps get an outside view of our work and allows us to get an opinion from someone who is not absorbed in the work. Watching other peoples videos helps us take a step back from being so stuck in to our own video and was a bit like a stress relief.

We had feedback from our teachers and some of the students on our artwork. They liked the advert but on the digipak, it was noted that the pages werent all the same size, this just needs sticking into publisher and making into a booklet file. The picture of the band on the front cover needed to be bigger and they didnt like the yellow wash on the photo. On the inside cover, the text font/colour wasn't easily readable because of the background style.

We are now in the process of making these changes.

1 comment:

  1. I also saw a few things on the big screen which I didn't see beforehand. there were several shots where you look at the wrong thing/person so we need to change the leading line.
    and then there were a couple of bits were the lipsyncing isnt as good as it could be.
    I will change these asap.
